Sommer aftenfisking ved Nevelsøen

Hunting and fishing in Nordseter Fjellpark


In Lillehammerfjellet you will find nice fishing lakes. At Nevelvann, Raudtjern, Mellsjøen and Reinsvann you can fish for mountain trout, perch and mountain pollock.

Nevel water

At Nevelvann you can fish for trout. It is nice and easy to get down to nice fishing spots around the entire lake, and it is also nice to swim here. There is a good bathing pier on Nevelvann! Here you can also rent a canoe, which makes it extra exciting to get the fish out of the water! In the summer of 2022, mountain trout weighing 1.5 kg were caught.


Mellsjøen is perhaps the most child-friendly lake in Nordseter, and the water with the most fish, and at the same time it is a nice bathing water.
Here you can fish for both perch and trout. The best fishing spot is where the river flows, and here is also the greatest chance of catching fish. The fish often stand at the river intake by the water for food, as the river carries various goodies the fish like and live on.

Reindeer water

The water is easy to get down to, and also nice for both swimming and fishing. Here you can fish for perch and trout.

Fishing license

All persons over the age of 16 must buy a fishing license. You can buy a fishing license at or at the Service Center. The service center also sells some fishing equipment and live worms during the season.


The perch weighs about 50-150 grams. Some specimens can be significantly larger, lengths up to 35 cm and weight up to 1 kg are not uncommon. Perch larger than 1 kg are rare, but do occur.  The perch only eats animal food, and the diet changes as the perch grows. The first year, until it is about 5 cm long, it eats mostly zooplankton. It then begins to eat various benthic animals, and from about 15 cm it moves on to eating small fish, including conspecifics.  Small perch prefer to go in schools when hunting for food, while larger fish more often live alone or join only a few other individuals of the same size in search of food. The perch is most active during the day.
Use small hooks, spinners and lures to get perch on the hook! Dip and worm are also nice.


Trout or brown trout, which is also called aure and brown trout, is a salmonid fish that is very popular among anglers, and as a food fish. Trout , which have characteristic dots along the sides, can weigh more than 30 kg. It is a predatory fish, which also eats its own. In Norway, the dog trout, a local strain of fjord trout found in Mjøsa and Gudbrandsdalslågen, is especially known for its enormous size.  Often, the larger individuals switch to a fish diet and have a faster growth rate. Trout prefer to spawn in running water.

Trout are easiest to get on the hook by using a float and worm, lure or spinner. Use small hooks!


The hunting areas in Lillehammer Municipality are divided into Fåberg Vestside (west of Mjøsa) and Fåberg Østside (east of Mjøsa), which includes Nordseter and Lillehammerfjellet

Small game hunting in Fåberg East

Grouse hunting is reserved for the local residents.
Residents from outside the village can apply to the Mountain Inspectorate for a hunting license before 1 August. There are a total of 10 hunting licenses that are handed out to the out-of-town residents.

Hunting seasons in mountainous terrain

Duck and Black Grouse 15/9 - 21/9
Hare 18/9 - 24/9
Grouse is protected

Throughout the area

Hare and Duck 5/10 - 22/12
Forest bird 15/10 - 22/12


Season pass 1000 NOK
4 day card 400 NOK (sold from 5/10)

Point of sale

If you want to hunt in Fåberg Østside, you can buy a hunting license during opening hours (Mon-Sat) at Rustadstuen Sport, Storgate 97 in Lillehammer.


In Fåberg Østside, bounties are awarded for the following species:
Fox and marten, 200 NOK
Mink, 100 Nok
Crow, Raven and Magpie, 50 NOK

Everyone must follow the hunting time frames for the species. 

Shooting bounties are paid to those who have solved small game cards and upon presentation of felled game to the warden.


Gunnar Nyhus
Highway 97
2625 Fåberg
T. 481 23 787
E. g.nyhus @ online. no   

Website: Fåberg Østside Utmarkslag