For many generations, it has been a tradition for Lillehammer farms to take the animals to summer pasture at Nordseter.
From the name Nordseter, it is clear that there was mountain farming here in the old days. The summer pasture has largely been discontinued in the traditional sense, but every year both sheep and cows are released to summer pasture.
The grazing period in Lillehammerfjellet is from approx. 1. June to 15 September each year. The grazing animals maintain the cultural landscape to a certain extent and ensure that it does not completely overgrow. The sound of sheep bells is a good sign that summer has arrived in the mountains.
What you should be aware of
- Grazing animals must not be fed.
- Dogs must be on a leash.
- Contact with grazing animals is at your own risk.
- Drive carefully, especially in June, until the animals have become more accustomed to the traffic.
- Check if you are allowed to fence in the cabin before you put up a fence. Only a fixed fence is allowed and preferably in slanted wooden materials.
- LJFF has an aversion course towards sheep if you travel a lot in areas with grazing animals and want your dog not to care.
Grazing animals with damage, what to do?
If you come across a grazing animal with damage, you should immediately contact Fåberg Østside Beitelag. You must note the color of the collar/ear clip and possibly the number that is written on the label. You must note WHERE you observed the animal and you must note WHEN you observed the animal.
Ridden on Grazing animals, what do you do?
Call the police immediately on 02800, the animal should not suffer unnecessarily.
Stay on site until Beitelag or the police arrive. Remember, that it is a crime to run away from the scene without notifying!
Information about grazing in Lillehammer Municipality can be found by clicking on the link here!
The grazing team at Nordseter
Notice what color it is on the animal and the color of the mark that sits in the animal's ear.
If you have any questions or information, you can contact the farmer directly:
Rusty 97489777 (Dark Sheep, Cows & Horse) Orange in the ear Yellow bell collar
Bredesen 92031807 (Sheep) Blue at the back and Yellow inside the mark in the ear Yellow bell collar
Myhren 91113893 (Sheep) Green in the ear Green bell collar
Bergehagen 99614715 (Sheep) Red back and white in front of ear Blue bell collar